If you are new to the world of wigs and toppers, it can be difficult to understand the lingo. Here are some common phrases you might come across and what they mean. Understanding these phrases can help you to understand which wig or topper is right for you and why some pieces are more expensive than others.
While there are some similarities in the way you wash synthetic and human hair, you need completely different products to care for them. In this blog post, Georgina will outline how to wash both human hair and synthetic toppers and wigs, and offer advice on the different products you will need – plus things to avoid!
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Choosing the ‘right’ colour topper for your bio hair. Why is getting the ‘perfect’ blend so important with your topper?
Hairstyles for when your bio hair and topper are different lengths.
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Georgina Probert, founder of Her Hair My Head shares 5 lessons she has learned about buying wigs and toppers online.
Find out more about our range of topper grips.
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