ESPRESSO MIX 2.4 | Black, Dark Brown, and Darkest Brown Blend
DARK CHOCOLATE MIX 4.6.33 | Darkest/Dark Brown with Dark Auburn Blend
CHOCOLATE MIX 6.830 | Dark Brown and Medium Brown with Light Auburn Blend
MOCCA ROOTED 8.12.27 | Medium Brown and Lightest Brown with Dark Strawberry Blonde Blend and Shaded Roots
AUBURN ROOTED 33.130.4 | Dark Auburn, Deep Copper Brown, and Darkest Brown Blend with Shaded Roots
LIGHT BERNSTEIN ROOTED 14.20.12 | Medium Ash Blonde and Light Strawberry Blonde with Lightest Brown Blend and Shaded Roots
SANDY BLONDE ROOTED 26.16.25 | Light Golden Blonde and Medium Blonde with Lightest Golden Blonde Blend and Shaded Roots

Couture | High Heat Fibre topper | Ellen Wille Top Power Collection


In-stock items will be shipped out in 3-5 working days. Pre-order items can take between 7-10 days depending on our supplier's stock levels. It is possible that your order could arrive...

Colour: Espresso Mix

Espresso Mix
Dark Chocolate Mix
Chocolate Rooted
Mocca Rooted
Auburn Rooted
Lightbernstein Rooted
Sandyblonde Rooted
Pearlblonde Rooted
Lightchampagne Rooted
Salt/Pepper Mix
Silver Mix

Medical Hair Loss Discount: Yes I have medical hair loss

Yes I have medical hair loss
No I don't have medical hair loss

In-stock items will be shipped out in 3-5 working days. Pre-order items can take between 7-10 days depending on our supplier's stock levels. It is possible that your order could arrive sooner or production delays could slightly increase the timeline. 

BRAND Ellen Wille
CAP CONSTRUCTION Monofilament, lace front
BASE SIZE 5.5 inches wide (note the back end is 7 inches wide) x 7 inches long (14x18cm)
LENGTH 11-12 inches (28-30cm)
HAIR TYPE High heat synthetic fibre (can take heat up to 130 degrees C/260 degrees F in wet condition)
COLOUR PICTURED Light Champagne Rooted
  • Espresso Mix - Darkest Brown and Black/Dark Brown Blend
  • Dark Chocolate Mix - Darkest Brown Blended with Dark Auburn
  • Chocolate Rooted - Medium Brown Blended with Light Auburn, and Dark Brown Blend with Shaded Roots
  • Mocca Rooted - Medium Brown Blended with Light Auburn and Dark/Light Strawberry Blonde Blend and Shaded Roots
  • Auburn Rooted - Dark Auburn, Deep Copper Brown, and Darkest Brown Blend with Shaded Roots
  • Light Bernstein Rooted - Lightest Brown, Light Golden Blonde, and Dark Strawberry Blonde Blend with Shaded Roots
  • Sandy Blonde Rooted - Medium Blonde and Lightest/Light Golden Blonde Blend with Shaded Roots
  • Pearl Blonde Rooted - Pearl Platinum and Light Ash Blonde with Lightest Golden Blonde Blend and Shaded Roots
  • Light Champagne Rooted - Lightest Pale Blonde and Lightest Golden Blonde with Lightest Ash Blonde Blend and Shaded Roots
  • Salt/Pepper Mix - Darkest and Dark Brown with Grey and Pearl White Blend
  • Silver Mix - Darkest and Dark Brown with Grey and Pearl White Blend
Additional Information

Espresso Mix, Dark Chocolate Mix, Chocolate Rooted, Mocca Rooted, Auburn Rooted, Lightbernstein Rooted, Sandyblonde Rooted, Pearlblonde Rooted, Lightchampagne Rooted, Salt/Pepper Mix, Silver Mix

Medical Hair Loss Discount

Yes I have medical hair loss, No I don't have medical hair loss